I have been trying to get crafty in my almost non-existent free time. I came up with a few things I need to get done as far as fix-ups of some of my clothes as well as some other stuff I have been meaning to do for a while. I have two projects that I have started.The first involves a shirt that I love because the fabric is so darn pretty. The cut of the shirt is not very flattering on me because of its length and because of where certain elements were placed. I am going to try to make it into a more flowy style of shirt. I have a few ideas in mind, but you will have to wait for the end result.

The second project has to do with a new diaper/stuff bag that can be easily strapped to our little munchkin's new stroller. My sister gave me a really cool bag, but unfortunately the bag did not hold up too well.
Torn bag inside
frayed sides by strap buckles
This is the bag in its current state. I love the giraffe print, but I will have to put it aside for now.
Before the munchkin was born I wanted to make diaper bags for both the hubby and I with fabrics that were a little more us than what was available in standard diaper bags. We went looking around and finally found some great fabric at
Purl in New York (who have recently consolidated their two separate knitting and fabric stores into one awesome wonderland). I am finally going to put these fabrics to good use to make a bag that is similar to the one my sister gave me, but with a bit more room. I am going to re-use the strap from the old bag because it is so versatile and can go from hanging on the stroller to something I can carry in two easy steps.
The fabrics I got at PurlI can't wait to get these projects done. Wish me luck because since I have no sewing machine I am doing them by hand. Hope it won't take me a year to get them done.
love the green fabrics.
I love them too. I hope I don't ruin them in my attempt to make this bag.
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