Saturday, November 20, 2021

Trying Out Products For A Greener Planet

I have been giving a lot of thought to the whole environmentally friendly aspect of things. Particularly in regard to reducing my impact on the use of plastic in my daily life. I figure that it is literally time for me to put my money where my mouth is, because let's face it, going green is not necessarily cheap, but more expensive would be to not take care of the only home we have.  However, there are so many brands out there peddling their wares, claiming to be able to help, that it begs the question, where to even start, and furthermore, with which brand? 

I have decided to become a guinea pig of some sort, and test run each brand for at least a month to give them a fair chance at showing me that they have the best and most sustainable products in each of the following categories:

Toilet paper


General cleaning

Bathroom cleaning

Shampoo and conditioner

Waste management (trash bags and such)

Make up and personal care

First up will be the following brands:

Grove for toilet paper

Blue land for general & bathroom cleaning products.

Bite for dental  care and deodorant

Earth Breeze for laundry

I will report back in about a month on these. Even if I don't wind up liking them, at least it will get me on my way to reducing the amount of plastic packaging I deal with in my daily life. Here's to a greener future.


Mehedi Hasan Jim said...


Anonymous said...

I really liked your blog post about going green, and I'm so glad to see you're using this as an opportunity to get out there and try different companies. I think that being able to go out on a limb and try things is so important, and when you find something that works, it's great to share that with everyone. Vanilla Hand Soap Refill

Nydia said...

Hope you enjoy the deodorant review I just posted