Thursday, November 25, 2010

Music - Vampire Weekend

I really have to apologize for my infrequent posting this week. Unfortunately there have not been enough hours in the day for me to get done what I need to get done because we are moving from one apartment to another. I am really happy with moving to the new place, but the downside is that it has consumed a lot of my time.

Anywhoo, enough of that let's move on to the topic. So Vampire weekend was a band that I actually have grown to love. I was not too keen on them about two years ago, but I have to recognize that I was very wrong not to like them. In my humble opinion, they are one of those bands that has definitely improved over time and is consistently putting out great music that does not conform to the norm.

I want to especially thank my hubby's cousin Ronnie for introducing me to their music.

Please click here for one of my new favorite songs by them. Also if you are not very familiar with them here is a link to their official website. I hope you enjoy the music, and please do pass on any great music you are currently listening to.

*image from

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